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Program for dental technicians

Program for dental technicians

Order-order for a dental technician

Order-order for a dental technician

Adding a work order

The program for dental technicians can be used as a separate software product, or as part of a complex automation of a dental clinic. When filling out an electronic medical record, a dentist can create work orders for dental technicians. To do this, you need to go to the tab ' Outfit technicians '.

Order-order for a dental technician

In the upper left corner of this window, previously added work orders for the current patient will be displayed. For now, this list is empty. Let's add our first work order by clicking on the ' Add ' button.

Next, from the list of employees, select a specific dental technician.

Choosing a specific dental technician

If you have an entire dental laboratory that distributes work orders by itself, you can leave this field blank, or choose a chief dental technician. And then he will redistribute the orders himself.

After selecting an employee, press the ' Save ' button.

Chose a dental technician

After that, a new entry will appear in the list.

Added work order

Each work order has its own unique number, which we see in the ' Code ' column. The other columns show the date the work order was added and the name of the dentist who added it.

Purchase order procedures

Now, in the upper right corner of the window, you need to add the procedures that will be included in this work order. To do this, press the button ' Add from treatment plan '.

Important We have previously looked at how a dentist can create a treatment plan .

Procedures for ordering a work order for a dental technician

The procedures will be taken from a specific stage of treatment. Specify the stage number.

Adding Procedures for a Job Order to a Dental Technician

The procedures were automatically transferred to the current work order. For each service, its cost was substituted according to the price list of the clinic .

Added procedures to the work order for the dental technician

Formula of the dentition

Further, in the lower part of the window, on the formula of the dentition, we show the scheme of work for the dental technician. For example, we want him to make us a ' Bridge '. So we mark on the diagram ' Crown ' - ' Artificial tooth ' - ' Crown '.

Formula of the dentition

And click on the button ' Save the state of the teeth '.

Important In this article, we have already learned how to mark dental conditions .

Print an order form for a dental technician

Print an order form for a dental technician

Next, press the ' OK ' button to close the dentist work window with saving. From above, we highlight the very service on which the dental electronic medical record was filled out.

Appointment with a dentist with filling out an electronic patient record

Then select the internal report "Technician work order" .

Menu. Dental technician order form

This report has only one input parameter , which is ' Order number '. Here you need to select from the drop-down list one of the outfits that were made for the current patient.

Order form for a dental technician. Options

The work order we added earlier was saved under this unique number.

Unique work order number

Order-work with this number and select from the list.

Order form for a dental technician. Options

After that, press the button "Report" .

Report buttons

The paper work order form is displayed.

Dental technician order form

This form can be printed and taken to the dental technician. This is convenient even if your clinic does not have its own dental laboratory.

Own dental technicians can work in the program

Own dental technicians can work in the program

Their dental technicians can work in the program and immediately see the received work order. Employees of their dental laboratory work in the module "Technicians" .

Menu. Software module for dental technicians

If you enter this software module, you can see all created work orders.

Software module for dental technicians

Here is also our work order number ' 40 ', which was created earlier.

If a dental technician had not been specified for this work order, it would be easy to assign a contractor here.

When the responsible employee has manufactured the required ' Bridge ' for this work order, it will be possible to put down "due date" . This is how completed orders are distinguished from those that are still in progress.

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