In the program, you can also take into account technologically complex dishes that you do not buy ready-made, but produce or assemble yourself. As an example, it can be any dishes or drinks of your manufacture, equipment sets, various sets and much more.
This product can be divided into two parts. This is the finished product itself and its components or raw materials or components - call it what you want.
To account for such goods, you first need to create cards in the nomenclature for both the finished product and each of its components.
In this case, the finished goods must be assigned to the subcategory, for which the ' Only components are written off' checkbox is ticked. And the component is in the category for which you check the box ' Components for costing '.
To learn how to customize categories and subcategories , read this short article.
Then, when selling a finished product, you will not have it written off, but its components. But for this you need to link the finished product itself and its components. For this, the ' Technological map ' submodule is used.
In the upper module ' Nomenclatures ', select the card of the finished product by clicking on it once with the left mouse button.
Let's add an entry to the submodule. The next card will open.
The following fields are related to modifiers. Modifiers are components whose quantity can be changed when selling. This can be an extra serving of coffee syrup or a customizable number of parts in a set of equipment. At the same time, some modifiers may not be included in the cost estimate of the finished product initially. Then just set the ' Amount ' to 0 .
Below you see the fields that are filled in for modifiers.
To learn how to use modifiers in the sell window , read this short article.
See below for other helpful topics:
Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025