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Receipt, movement and write-off of goods

Types of goods movement

When we already have a list with product names , you can start working with the product. To do this, in the user menu, go to the module "Product" .

Menu. Working with goods

The top of the window will display "List of invoices". The waybill is the fact of goods movement. This list may contain invoices both for the receipt of goods and for the movement of goods between warehouses and stores. And there may also be invoices for write-offs from the warehouse, for example, due to damage to the goods.

Working with goods

' Universal Accounting System ' is as convenient as possible, so all types of goods movement are displayed in one place. You just need to pay attention to two fields: "From" stock and "To" stock.

Adding an invoice

If you want to add a new invoice, right-click at the top of the window and select the command "Add" .


Several fields will appear to fill in.

Adding an invoice

Initial balances of goods

When you first start working with our program, you may already have some goods in stock. Its quantity can be entered as initial balances by adding a new incoming invoice with such a note.

Adding initial balances

In this particular case, we do not select a supplier, since the goods can be from different suppliers.

Important The initial balances can be easily Standard import from an Excel file.

Invoice composition

Important Now see how to list the item that is included in the selected invoice.

Payments to suppliers

Important And here it is written how to mark the payment to the supplier for the goods.

Quick posting of goods

Important There is another way to quickly post the goods .

Procurement work

Important Learn how to create a purchasing list for a vendor .

See below for other helpful topics:

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025