If you often perform the same type of mailing, you can pre-configure the mailing template for customers. This is required to increase the speed of work. You can set up one email template for mailing, or several. To do this, go to the directory "Templates" .
There will be entries that are added for example.
Each template has a short title and the message text itself.
Happy birthday. In a special report, you can display a list of your customers who had a birthday on a selected date and from it make a mass mailing to all of them at once.
Communication about your promotions or discounts to the entire customer base to attract old customers
Survey customers who have stopped coming to you to assess and eliminate the reasons for their disappearance, whether it be prices or individual employees
When editing the template, you can mark key places, so that later, when sending a mailout, text associated with each specific patient appears in these places. For example, you can substitute in this way: the name of the client , his debt , the amount of accumulated bonuses , and much more. This is made to order .
In addition, templates for automatic notifications are configured here, which you can order additionally. It can be:
Analysis readiness notifications. The message can be delivered automatically when entering research data into the program
The text of the letter template for sending the results to the client's mail. In this case, a letter with attached forms will be sent immediately to the patient's email address.
Appointment time reminders via email or sms to control attendance and avoid employee downtime due to forgetful patients
Notification about the accrual or spending of bonuses
And much more!
We can customize the program to your needs so that it facilitates and optimizes daily duties for you and your staff.
See below for other helpful topics:
Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025