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Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 250
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Pass system

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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

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Pass system - Program screenshot

The pass management system is today adopted at many enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, the field of activity. And this is not only a safety requirement but also a lot of additional opportunities for a manager. The pass is not only an employee's identity card, which allows him to freely enter the territory of the enterprise or office, into the building but also a functional tool for monitoring the work of personnel.

There are different systems of admission to the building, to the territory, but they are invariably regulated by the decision of the head on the procedure for admitting employees, guests, vehicles. These solutions are implemented by the security department, company security service, or invited security guards from a private security company.

In the building access system, the first and important stage is the choice of the type of access control. The director must establish a unified form of the past document, decide what permanent passes for personnel, temporary and one-time documents for the entry of clients and customers into the building should be, establish a form of pass for vehicles. The system can be effective and provides a lot of information useful for the company's work when aspects that are important for the work are taken into account.

The passes should be such that it would be easy for them to monitor the work of company personnel — to take into account the time of coming to work, leaving it, exits throughout the day. Such a system will help the manager to see which of the employees strictly adheres to the rules of the internal order and labor discipline, and who is late, is absent, or tends to leave work early. This opens up a lot of opportunities for creating a full-fledged system of fines and incentives that motivates employees.

Special forms of passes for building guests register the flow of customers and customers, and this information can be an assessment of the nature of the relationship built with partners and customers. Passes for vehicles provide a lot of useful food for thought about the work of the logistics and delivery service.

The access system won’t allow unauthorized persons to enter the building, reduce the likelihood of theft of property and products, which will certainly affect economic well-being and profit growth. The passes will help to keep trade secrets and increase the safety of the employees themselves. As you can see, a small pass makes a huge contribution to the activities of the company, and for this reason alone, the building passes system should be given the utmost attention.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

But one decision to introduce a pass system is not enough. You need to imagine exactly what it’ll be like. Hand-filled paper passes are a thing of the past and the system has proven to be highly ineffective. Such pass documents are easily falsified and difficult to account for. Since their registration is usually also manual, it increases the likelihood of corruption events in which the security guard can be persuaded, bribed, intimidated in order to force it to violate the established order and instructions, to go to the building without permission. The introduction of computers into security activities did not bring significant relief either. Attempts to keep computerized records manually also do not show high efficiency — the probability of data loss is high, and pressure on the building security officer is always possible. Full automation of the building pass system helps to solve two important problems — accounting and the human error factor.

To do this, it will be necessary not only to introduce new generation pass documents but also to equip the checkpoint in a special order — turnstiles, gateways, electromechanical locks, scanners for reading information from biometric, code passes. In such a system, everything will be taken into account - from the personality of the incoming person to his powers and access to certain premises, buildings, territories.

The pass system can be effective if you save the security officer from the need to keep manual records, entering data about guests and employees who came to work in the logs. Automation of the system will also resolve the issue with the very human factor, due to which most accidents and emergencies occur because the program cannot be persuaded, scared, or forced to enter incorrect information. Such a solution for the enterprise, security services, security organizations, and law enforcement agencies were offered by the company USU Software. She has developed software that will help organize a building pass system, taking into account all modern requirements, with maximum benefit and informational value.

Registration of people entering and leaving the building becomes automatic, registration of visitors, vehicles will also be carried out in a fully automatic mode. The program from our developers can read barcode data from passes, carry out high-quality face control, identifying people by the photo data loaded into the system.

Photos of each employee can be entered into the system. The software generates images of visitors automatically. At the first visit to the building, the client will enter the database, and at each subsequent visit, it will be unmistakably recognized by the program. This simplifies the procedure for issuing passes for regular customers.

The system will facilitate the task of conducting internal investigations, police investigations of crimes committed. It can display data, regardless of their age, according to various criteria, for example, by date, time, place, person, and even the name of the goods taken out of the building, by the purpose of the guest's visit, by the time of his stay in the territory.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

The security personnel will be completely relieved of the need to take into account the pass system manually. Reporting forms will be filled in automatically. The software, for example, can record the time of arrival at work of any employee and immediately mark this information in his worksheet. The system itself will calculate the number of hours worked, shifts, and helps to calculate the wages of employees who work on a piece-rate basis. One has only to save the staff from the need to deal with the paperwork and it will immediately become noticeable how much time they’ll have to improve the quality of services, to improve their qualifications. This certainly has a positive effect on the work of the entire organization.

It is interesting that the software from the USU Software team brings a lot of benefits not only to the security service in matters of forming a clear access system but also to all other departments, workshops, warehouses, and divisions of the company. After all, everyone will be able to take advantage of professional accounting capabilities — marketing and sales departments, customer service specialists, accounting, production block and warehouses, quality control department, logistics service.

In the basic version, the program for the building pass system is working in the Russian language. The international version supports the system in any language of the world. A trial version is available for free download upon request on the developer's website. After two weeks, you can decide to purchase the full version. Usually, this period is quite enough to appreciate all the advantages and wide possibilities of the software.

It is permissible to obtain a personal version of the company's activity that is narrowly focused, having its own specifics, different from the traditional schemes of activity. For such organizations, USU Software can make an individual program, taking into account important points. The building pass system software is very easy to use. You do not need to hire a separate specialist on the staff to set it up and start using it in your business. The program has a quick start, a simple user interface, and a nice design. Even those employees who have a low level of information and technical training can easily cope with the system.

The system has a multi-user interface, which means that its simultaneous use by different users does not lead to errors, freezes, or internal conflict. If a company has several checkpoints, it brings them together within one information space, speeding up interaction between employees and making it easier for the manager to control. This software can automatically generate reporting data of any complexity level — count the number of visits for any period, show the frequency of work discipline violations, and generate accurate and flawless financial and marketing reports necessary for a correct understanding of the state of affairs in the company.

The system can automatically generate databases of employees and visitors. You can attach all the necessary data to each person — a photo, a scanned copy of a passport or identity card, barcode data of a pass. The database will display the complete history of interaction, requests, visits, visits. Our program can work with data of any size. It divides the general information flow into modules and categories without losing speed. You can easily find the information you need in the search box by any criterion — employee name, visitor name, date or time of entry or exit, the purpose of visit, state registration numbers of a car, or marking of exported goods. The program supports loading, saving, and sharing files of any format without restrictions. This means that you can attach all the necessary data to each, including your own observations and comments from the building security officer.

Order a pass system

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Pass system

Backups in the system are configured at a convenient frequency and frequency for users. To save data, you do not need to temporarily stop the program, this process goes unnoticed by the staff in the background. Data storage periods are not limited. You do not have to worry about the safety of information, it’ll

be saved in the system as long as needed. The search takes a few seconds, regardless of how much time has passed since the visit, the date the document was drawn up.

The program provides differentiated access in accordance with job responsibilities and authorities. Each employee can have their own login. In practice, this means that the security won’t have access to financial statements, and economists will not see the management of the pass system. Security officers and other employees of the organization should always be visible to the chiefs. This shows the real level of employment and workload, the situation at the checkpoint.

The manager can set up reporting with a convenient frequency for them. Reports are generated automatically and received on time. If you need to check the rate and get data outside the reporting schedule, this can be done in real-time for any category and module. The system keeps professional inventory control. Divide the contents of the warehouse into groups, which will track and show availability and balances, consumption. When the paid goods are shipped, this information is sent to security, and there is no need to issue a special pass for the cargo. The program won’t release those goods outside the territory that have not passed such registration in the system.

The software can be integrated with any trade and warehouse equipment, with telephony and the company's website. This makes it easier to monitor and record any actions and opens up new opportunities for building relationships with customers. This program can be integrated with CCTV cameras, and this greatly facilitates the control over the work of cash desks, warehouses, and checkpoints. The program can automatically execute all documents, including payment, all reporting. Each department should be able to receive the necessary operational data to improve work efficiency.

The system helps to carry out a mass mailing of information via SMS and e-mail. This should be an additional advertising tool for the company.

The program has a convenient built-in organizer that helps the manager to draw up a budget, organize long-term marketing planning, and will give each employee the opportunity to manage their working time more rationally.