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Viber messaging software

Viber messaging software

Viber mailing list

If you save a lot, you can use viber mailing instead of SMS . For these purposes, the Viber mailing program is used. But here the problem immediately arises of the lack of Internet access on the phone for many clients. Therefore, viber mailing is not suitable for prompt notifications. Viber mailing is only suitable for sending promotional messages. In this case, it will be less important if a certain percentage of your customers do not see information about planned promotions or discounts. Although here you still need to think carefully and weigh everything.

Viber newsletter for free

Viber newsletter for free

Viber mailing is not carried out for free, it still costs some money. Let it be cheaper than sending sms, but you still have to invest money. And usually invest money in what case? It is right when they want to earn more than they invest. Viber messages will be sent. But some customers won't get the message and won't come to buy. So you can earn less than you could. You could earn more than the cost of sending sms. So the decision here is up to you. SMS and viber mailing - which is more profitable ?!

viber mass mailing

viber mass mailing

Viber bulk mailing is performed in the same way as SMS mailing. Mailing via viber differs only in price, and the principles of work in the program remain the same. First , you need to create a mass mailing , and then start the execution . Viber mailing business can be evaluated before execution so that the software calculates the total cost of the mailing depending on the number of message recipients. Viber mass mailing is much cheaper compared to SMS messages. The viber is sent to its database, so the recipients are taken from the program.

Mailing List of Clients

Import recipient list from Excel

Import recipient list from Excel

Viber mailing programs are simple. ' Universal Accounting System ' is not only easy to use, but also contains important functions. For example, if your list of recipients with phone numbers is stored in a separate MS Excel file, you can easily load this file into the program. To do this, use the function Import data from Excel .

Import recipient list from Excel

Check if messages have been delivered

Check if messages have been delivered

The viber mailing service supports checking the delivery status of messages. Viber mailing sent the message to the recipient, but it is not known whether the message will reach. Maybe the person's phone number has changed. Maybe temporarily there is no Internet on the phone. There are many reasons for undelivered messages. Viber mass mailing also allows you to check the fact of message delivery in bulk.

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Universal Accounting System
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