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Types of expenses

Cash flow items

Types of expenses

Financial items are cash flow items. This is exactly what you pay for. With this guide, you can classify your future expenses in advance.

To see what information was originally entered into the program, you can use the directory "Financial articles" .

Menu. Cash flow items

Information in this handbook Standard grouped .

Cash flow items

Important Please note that entries may be divided into folders .

Important You can Standard use pictures for any values to increase the visibility of textual information.

Cost classification

Cost classification

It is these groups that are initially available, but you can redo everything at your discretion.

For example, if your employees receive piecework wages, then it will be interesting for you to continue to look at the analytical reporting in the context of each month, not only in general for the ' Salary ' item, but also for each employee individually. In this case, you can make the word ' Salary ' a group, and add subgroups to it by the name of each employee.

Financial items for salary

Based on this example, you can either consolidate other types of expenses or register separately. This is convenient if it is important for you to later view analytical reports both with general indicators and with details on different types of costs.

For example, this also applies to payment for different types of advertising . After all, advertising is not enough just to look at the amount of costs. The main goal of any advertising is to recoup the invested funds and increase them. Therefore, our professional program will help you analyze the effectiveness of advertising .

Recording expenses using financial items

Important Here it is written how to use financial items when spending expenses .

Important All financial accounting in the ' USU ' program is based on such simple entries.

How to reduce costs?

Important Absolutely all business leaders are wondering: how to reduce costs? And for this, you first need to decompose all expenses into financial items.

What is the profit?

Important Analyze your expenses and then see how they have affected your profits .

Patient registration settings

Important Next, you can proceed to the settings that will be used when registering patients. And first, let's look at the directory of cities .

Main work in the program

Important The main work in the program should begin with the registration of patients for an appointment with a doctor .

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025