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List of employees

When filled "departments" , you can proceed to compiling a list "employees" . To do this, go to the directory of the same name.

Menu. Staff

Employees will be grouped "by department" .

Grouping employees

Important To better understand the meaning of the previous sentence, be sure to read an interesting little reference on the topic Standard grouping data .

Now that you've read about grouping data, you've learned how to display a list of employees not only as a 'tree' but also as a simple table.

Employees list

Adding an employee

Next, let's look at how to add a new employee. To do this, right-click and select the command "Add" .


Important Learn more about what types of menus are.

Then fill in the fields with information.

Important Find out what types of input fields are in order to fill them in correctly.

Adding an employee

Click the button below "Save" .


Important See what errors happen when saving .

Next, we see that a new person has been added to the list of employees.

Employee added

If the employee will work in the program

Important Important! When a program user registers, it is not enough to simply add a new entry to the ' Employees ' directory. Need more create a login to enter the program and assign the necessary access rights to it.


Important Employees can be assigned piecework wages .

Is the employee worthy of his salary?

Important It is possible to set a sales plan and monitor its execution.

Important If your employees don't have a sales plan, you can still evaluate their performance by comparing them to each other .

Important You can even compare each employee with the best employee in the organization .

See below for other helpful topics:

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025