There are fields in the table "Clients" , which are not visible in add mode, but they can be displayed when viewing the list of clients.
System field "ID" is present in all tables of this program, but it is especially important for the table of clients. In order not to remember and not to search for clients by name, when there are a huge number of them in the database, you can use unique client identifiers in a conversation between colleagues in your organization.
Other system fields "Date of change" And "User" show who was the last employee to change the customer account and when it was done. For a more detailed history of changes, see audit .
When a company employs several sales managers, it is also important to know "who exactly" and "when" registered a client. If necessary , the order can even be configured so that each employee sees only their own customers.
There is also a dummy client marked with a checkmark "Main" . It is he who is substituted when registering a sale , when the sale is in store mode and the actual client is not defined using a club card .
For each customer, you can see "for what amount" he bought goods from you for the entire period of cooperation.
Based on these indicators, you can decide on the reward of the client. For example, if your client spends significantly more money than other buyers, you can assign him a special price list with a discount or increase the percentage for bonuses .
If you sort the list of clients by this field in descending order, you can get the rating of the most solvent buyers.
There are several analytical fields for bonuses: "Bonuses accrued" , "Bonuses spent" . And the most important bonus field is "Balance of bonuses" . It is on it that you can see if the client still has the opportunity to pay with bonuses.
See below for other helpful topics:
Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025