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Sort Ascending

To sort the data, just click once on the heading of the desired column. For example, in the guide "Employees" let's click on the field "Name" . Employees are now sorted by name. A sign that sorting is carried out exactly by the ' Name ' field is a gray triangle that appears in the column heading area.


Descending sort

If you click on the same heading again, the triangle will change direction, and with it, the sort order will also change. Employees are now sorted by name in reverse order from 'Z' to 'A'.

Sort in reverse order

Cancel sort

To make the gray triangle disappear, and with it the sorting of records is canceled, just click on the column heading while holding down the ' Ctrl ' key.

No sorting

Sort by field

If you click on the heading of another column "Department" , then the employees will be sorted by the department in which they work.

Sort by second column

Sorting by multiple fields

Moreover, even multiple sorting is supported. When there are many employees, you can first arrange them by "department" , and then - by "name" .

Let's first swap the columns so that the squad is on the left. By it we already have sorting. It remains to add the second field to the sort. To do this, click on the column heading "Name" with the ' Shift ' key pressed.

Sort by two columns

Important Find out more how you can swap columns .

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025