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Client debts

Debts of all clients

If you want to see a list of all debtors, you can use the report "debts" .

Menu. Report. debts

The report has no parameters , the data will be displayed immediately.

Report. debts

Detailed debts of a certain client

Open the module "Sales" . In the search window that appears, select the desired client.

Search by client

Click the button "Search" . After that, you will only see the sales of the specified customer.

Sales to a specific customer

Now we need to filter out only those sales that are not fully paid. To do this, click on the icon Standard filter in column heading "Debt" .

Filter icon in column header

Select ' Custom '.

Filter setting

In the Standard filter settings window, that opens, set a condition to display only those sales whose debt is not equal to zero.

Filter. Not equal to zero

When you click the ' OK ' button in the filter window, another filter condition will be added to the search condition. Now you will only see those sales to a specific customer that have a debt.

Selling a specific customer with debt

Thus, the client can announce not only the total amount of the debt, but also, if necessary, list certain dates of purchases for which he did not pay in full.

Client Statement

Important And you can also generate an extract for the desired client, which will contain all the important information, including debts.

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025