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Fixed Cost Analysis

In the ' USU ' program, the analysis of fixed costs is carried out using a special report. Report "Expenses. Permanent" used to analyze "fixed costs" - these are the costs that you have to bear each month.

Expenses for the current and previous years

Two graphs show fixed and variable costs for the current and last year.

Fixed Cost Analysis


Dynamics of changes in fixed costs of the current year compared to the previous year.

Deep Scan. Expenses. Permanent. Comparison

Divergence (difference)

Total difference in fixed costs over two years.

Deep Scan. Expenses. Permanent. Divergence (difference)

Scattering by months

Comparison of fixed costs with variable costs for each month for a visual analysis of changes and amounts.

Deep Scan. Expenses. Permanent. Scattering by months

On years

Comparison of ratios at once by years to estimate a long period.

Deep Scan. Expenses. Permanent. On years

Amounts. During all this time

The graph is used to visually analyze the change in the dynamics of fixed costs for each month of the period.

Deep Scan. Expenses. Permanent. Amounts. During all this time

Percentage ratio. During all this time

The next step is to look at the dispersion of fixed costs by month, neglecting the amounts, leaving only the percentage. In this view, changes in fixed costs will be much more difficult to get lost.

Expenses. Permanent. Percentage ratio. During all this time

Regarding income. During all this time

This is an analysis of fixed costs in relation to the amount of income of the company.

Expenses. Permanent. Regarding income. During all this time

Percentage of income. During all this time

On the chart, an analytical view with ignoring amounts, where only percentages appear.

Expenses. Permanent. Percentage of income. During all this time

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025