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Import from Excel

Standard These features are available only in the Standard and Professional program configurations.

Open data import window

We will consider an example of loading a product range along with initial balances.

Opening the directory "nomenclature" to see how to import data into the program from a new XLSX MS Excel file.

In the upper part of the window, right-click to call the context menu and select the command "Import" .

Menu. Import

A modal window for data import will appear.

Import dialog

Important Please read why you will not be able to read the instructions in parallel and work in the window that appears.

Selecting the desired file format

To import a new sample XLSX file, enable the ' MS Excel ' option.

Import from XLSX file

Import file template

Please note that in the file that we will import to load the item with the initial balances, there should be such fields. First bring the Excel file to the required form.

Fields in the file to importFields in the file to import. Continuation

Columns with green headings must be mandatory - this is the main information about the product range. And you can include columns with blue headers in the imported file if you want the price list and product balances to be filled in additionally.

File selection

Then select a file. The name of the selected file will be entered in the input field.

Selecting a file to import

Now make sure that the selected file is not open in your Excel program.

Click the ' Next ' button.

Button. Further

Connection of a program field with a column of an excel file

After that, the specified Excel file will open in the right part of the dialog box. And on the left side, the fields of the ' USU ' program will be listed. Scroll down. We will need fields whose names start with ' IMP_ '. They are intended for data import .

Import dialog. Step 1

We now need to show in which field of the USU program the information from each column of the Excel file will be imported.

Linking one field of the program with a column from an Excel table
  1. First click on the ' IMP_NAME ' field on the left. This is where the product name is stored.

  2. Further we click on the right in any place of the column ' C '. Names of goods are listed in this column of the imported file.

  3. Then a connection is formed. ' [Sheet1]C ' will appear on the left side of the field name ' IMP_NAME '. This means that information will be uploaded to this field from the ' C ' column of the excel file.

Relationship of all fields

By the same principle, we connect all other fields of the ' USU ' program, starting with ' IMP_ ', with the columns of the excel file. If you are importing a product line with leftovers, the result should look like this.

Connection of all fields of the USU program with columns from the Excel table

Now let's figure out what each field for import means.

What lines should be skipped?

Note in the same window that you need to skip one line during the import process, since the first line of the excel file does not contain data, but field headers.

Number of lines to skip

Click the ' Next ' button.

Button. Further

Other steps in the import dialog

' Step 2 ' will appear, in which formats for different types of data are configured. There is usually no need to change anything here.

Import dialog. Step 2

Click the ' Next ' button.

Button. Further

' Step 3 ' will appear. In it, we need to set all the ' checkboxes ', as shown in the figure.

Import dialog. Step 3

Save import preset

If we are setting up an import that we plan to do periodically, then it is better to save all the settings in a special settings file so as not to set them every time.

It is also recommended to save the import settings if you are not sure that you will succeed the first time.

Press the button ' Save template to file... '.

Button. Save import preset

We come up with a file name for the import settings. It is better to save it in the same place where the data file is located, so that everything is in one place.

File name for import settings

Start the import process

When you have specified all the settings for import, we can start the import process itself by clicking on the ' Execute ' button.

Button. Execute

Import result with errors

After execution, you can see the result. The program will count how many lines were added to the program and how many caused an error.

Import result

There is also an import log. If errors occur during execution, they will all be described in the log with an indication of the line of the excel file.

Import log with errors

Error correction

The description of the errors in the log is technical, so they will need to be shown to the ' USU ' programmers for them to help with the fix. Contact details are listed on the website usu.kz.

Click the ' Cancel ' button to close the import dialog.

Button. Cancel

We answer the question in the affirmative.

Confirmation to close the import dialog

If not all records fell into an error, and some were added, then before trying to import again, you will need to select and delete the added records in order to exclude duplicates in the future.

Load preset when trying to import again

If we try to re-import the data, we call up the import dialog again. But this time in it we press the button ' Load template from file '.

Import dialog. Download template with settings

Select a previously saved file with import settings.

Selecting a file with import settings

After that, in the dialog box, everything will be filled in exactly the same way as it was before. Nothing else needs to be configured! The file name, file format, links between fields and columns of the excel table and everything else becomes filled in.

With the ' Next ' button, you can go through the next steps of the dialog just to make sure of the above. Or just press the ' Execute ' button right away.

Button. Execute

Import result without errors

If all errors have been corrected, then the data import execution log will look like this.

Import log without errors

Import invoice composition

Important If a supplier constantly sends you an invoice for the purchased goods in electronic form, you can not enter it manually, but easily Standard import .

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025