Our program can calculate itself how many days the goods will last. Goods and materials may be sold or used in the provision of services. As long as there is enough goods or materials, so many days and it will be possible to work smoothly. Therefore, this issue is very important for the successful functioning of the business. It is not necessary to have a large production. Even a small family business should not suffer losses due to poor planning either. How many days there are enough materials, so many days the workers will be engaged in business, and not idle. After all, the lack of work for employees is a waste of money spent on paying wages . And if employees have piecework wages, then they will earn less than they could. Therefore, both the head of the company and ordinary workers are interested in computer forecasting.
To predict the availability of goods and materials in stock, you first need to calculate consumption. And this is a forecast for sales of goods, and a forecast for materials that are consumed in the production of finished products. That is, the total consumption is calculated first. The total amount of used goods and materials is taken over a certain period of time. The period is very important, as business is often seasonal. For example, someone has a sales decline in the summer. And for others, on the contrary: in the summer you can earn more than in the rest of the year. Therefore, some companies even make material price forecasts for different seasons. But prices are less important than the availability of the product itself. The forecast of a new product is important so that there is no shortage. With a shortage of goods, there will be nothing to sell.
Professional software allows you to make a forecast of the shortage of goods. Our system includes intelligent planning for the implementation and provision of the necessary products. With the help of a special report, you can see "Goods shortage forecast" . This is one of the most basic reports for warehouse inventory estimation. In the program you will find other reports for the analysis of all major processes.
The program will show how many days of uninterrupted operation each product will last. This will take into account the current balance of goods , the average speed of sales of products in the pharmacy and the consumption of materials in the provision of services . It doesn't matter how many kinds of goods you have. It doesn't matter if you count them in tens or thousands. You will receive all the necessary information in a matter of seconds.
At the top of the list, the products that you should pay attention to first of all will be displayed, since they will end first.
The forecast for the purchase of goods directly depends on the amount of remaining products. When you have thousands of products in stock and they are in heavy use, it can be difficult to keep track of stock . Especially without the automation of statistics. After all, it is necessary to take into account both the supply and the consumption of each item from the nomenclature. Without a special program, this will take long hours. And by that time the situation may already have changed a lot. That is why it is necessary to use modern software. This will allow you to plan purchases, queue up goods in purchase requisitions , analyze products that are not in demand for you. You will not find yourself in a situation where the warehouse does not have the right product or materials. And thus you will not miss the profit!
On the other hand, you can not buy those materials, the stocks of which will not run out soon. This will allow you not to spend extra money .
This report includes a demand forecast for the product. The report can be generated for any period. Thus, you will be able to analyze your products both for the year and for the seasons or months. This will help you find seasonal patterns or fluctuations in demand. Or find out if sales of goods are growing every next year? By using this report along with others, you can easily control the inventory of any of your products. So the program will replace a whole department of employees who would manually count all day and try to predict the future situation.
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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025