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Purchase request

Purchase request

View Ending Items

View Ending Items

The program has a report that shows which product "ends" .

Menu. running out of goods

You can open it at the beginning of each day to control the remaining popular goods and materials.

running out of goods

The system determines the end of goods by column "Required minimum" , which is filled in the reference book Nomenclature of goods . This column is filled in for a product that must always be available in the right quantity.

Create a supplier request

Create a supplier request

Based on this information, the ' USU ' program can automatically generate a purchase requisition for the supplier. To do this, in the module "Applications" you need to select an action "Create applications" .

Menu. Create a supplier request

After completing this operation, a new order line will appear on top. And at the bottom of the application will be the entire list of goods that were identified as ending.

Create a supplier request

What product needs to be controlled?

What product needs to be controlled?

Important It is better to control all the goods so that the organization does not have lost profits. But be especially careful about the availability of the most popular product .

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025