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Visualization of information with images

Visualization of information with images

Standard These features are available only in the Standard and Professional program configurations.

Pictures set

Visualization of information with images gives an amazing result. Any data set immediately becomes more visual. All records are immediately visually divided into ' good ', ' neutral ' and ' bad '. Let's see how it works. To do this, in the module "Patients" highlight the most important people using a set of visual images. The most important customers will be those who "spent money" your medical center has more than others. For this we use the command "Conditional Formatting" .

Important Please read why you will not be able to read the instructions in parallel and work in the window that appears.

A window for adding special effects table entries will appear. To add a new data formatting condition to it, click the ' New ' button.

Conditional formatting window

To get started, select ' Format all cells based on their values using a set of pictures '. And then at the bottom of the window from the drop-down list, select the set of pictures you like the most.

Special effect. Pictures set

The first entry is added to the list of formatting conditions. In it, you will need to select the field for which we will apply the special effect. Select the ' Total Spent ' field.

Selecting a field for applying a special effect

See how the list of patients has changed. Now there is a red circle next to the clients who spent the least amount of money in your medical center. Patients of average importance are marked with an orange circle. And the most solvent and most desirable visitors are marked with a green circle.

Highlighting the most solvent customers using a set of pictures

After that, your employees will accurately determine which client is more solvent.

And you will also have the opportunity to compare the amount of funds spent with the assigned ' VIP ' status. Are those customers who position themselves as especially important really important to you? And vice versa, you can see among the many ordinary people exactly those who spend huge amounts of money with you.

Change conditional formatting

Change conditional formatting

You can experiment by choosing different sets of pictures. in order to change "conditional formatting" , enter the command of the same name again. Click the ' Change ' button.

Change conditional formatting

Now select another set of pictures. For example, those images that will differ not in color, but in the degree of filling.

Choosing a different set of pictures

Above the drop-down list for selecting pictures, there are also special effect settings that you can try changing.

You get this result.

Highlighting large orders using a different set of pictures

Assign your image to a value

Assign your image to a value

Important There is still a possibility Standard assign your picture to a certain value for greater clarity.

background gradient

background gradient

Important Find out how you can highlight important values not with a picture, but with Standard gradient background .

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025