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Inventory Composition

In the module "Inventory" there is a tab at the bottom "Inventory list" , which will list the item to be counted.

Empty composition inventory

Recalculation of one item

If you want to check the quantity of only one specific product nomenclature, then below "add" manual entry.

Adding an item to the inventory

We press the button "Save" to add the item to the inventory.

Save button

At the bottom we have a record where in the field "Amount (Difference)" value is calculated automatically.

Product added to inventory

Change stock

Top in our inventory line "percentage of completion" became equal to 100%. There was only one product in the inventory, and we recounted it. This means that the task is complete.

100% inventory completed

Now we can double click on the line from the top "inventory" to enter the mode "editing" and check the box "Change stock" .

Change stock

Only after that, the quantity of goods in the program will change to the one you received during the inventory.

Recalculation of the entire warehouse

Important See how you can quickly audit the entire warehouse .

See below for other helpful topics:

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025