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Working with a client

List of works for a specific client

In the module "Clients" there is a tab at the bottom "Work with clients" , in which you can schedule work with the client selected from above.

Working with a client

For each work, one can note not only that required to be "completed" , but also to bring execution "result" .

Use Standard filter by column "Completed" to display only failed jobs if needed.

Adding a job

Adding a client job

When adding a line, specify the information on the task.

Pop-up notifications

Popup notification for an employee

Important When a new task is added, the responsible employee sees pop-up notification to get started right away. Such notifications significantly increase the productivity of the organization.

Editing a Job

Editing work with a client

When editing , you can check the ' Completed ' checkbox to close the task. It is also possible to indicate the result of the work performed.

Why plan things?

Our program is based on the principle of CRM , which means 'Customer Relationship Management '. Planning cases for each client is very convenient in a variety of cases.

To-do list for a specific day

When we have planned things for ourselves and other employees, where can we see the work plan for a certain day? And you can watch it with the help of a special report "Work" .

Menu. Report. Work

This report has input parameters.

Report options. Work

To display the data, click the button "Report" .

Planned and completed work

Following a link

The report itself has hyperlinks in the ' Assignment ' column that are highlighted in blue. If you click on the hyperlink, the program will automatically find the right client and redirect the user to the selected task. Such transitions allow you to quickly find contact information for communicating with the client and just as quickly enter the result of the work performed.

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025