Sorting a table alphabetically is required quite often by each user of the program. Sorting in Excel and some other accounting programs does not have the necessary flexibility. But many employees are wondering how to sort data in their work program. In our company, we were puzzled by this issue in advance and tried to create a whole range of different settings for convenient display of information. Sit comfortably. Now we will teach you how to sort the table correctly.
The easiest way to sort a list is to sort the list in ascending order. Some users call this sorting method: ' sort alphabetically '.
To sort the data, just click once on the heading of the required column. For example, in the guide "Employees" let's click on the field "Full name" . Employees are now sorted by name. A sign that sorting is carried out exactly by the ' Name ' field is a gray triangle that appears in the column heading area.
You may need to sort the data in reverse order, from highest to lowest. It's not difficult either. This is called ' sort descending '.
If you click on the same heading again, the triangle will change direction, and with it, the sort order will also change. Employees are now sorted by name in reverse order from 'Z' to 'A'.
If you have already viewed the data and performed the necessary operations on it, you may want to cancel the sort.
To make the gray triangle disappear, and with it the sorting of records is canceled, just click on the column heading while holding down the ' Ctrl ' key.
As a rule, there are many fields in tables. In a medical institution, these parameters may include: the age of the patient, the date of his visit to the clinic, the date of admission, the amount of payment for services, and much more. In the pharmacy, the table will include: the name of the product, its price, rating among buyers. After that, you may need to sort all this information by one specific field - by one column. Field, column, column - it's all the same. The program can easily sort the table by column. This feature is included in the program. You can sort fields of different types: by date, alphabetically for a field with strings, and ascending for numeric fields. It is possible to sort a column of any type, with the exception of fields that store binary data. For example, a photo of a client.
If you click on the heading of another column "branch" , then the employees will be sorted by the department in which they work.
Moreover, even multiple sorting is supported. When there are many employees, you can first arrange them by "department" , and then - by "name" .
It may be necessary to swap the columns so that the department is on the left. By it we already have sorting. It remains to add the second field to the sort. To do this, click on the column heading. "Full name" with the ' Shift ' key pressed.
Learn more about how you can swap columns .
Very interesting
sorting capabilities when grouping rows . This is a more complex function, but it greatly simplifies the work of a specialist.
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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025