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Face recognition software

Money These features must be ordered separately.

Face recognition software

What is a face recognition program?

What is a face recognition program?

The most advanced feature of the ' USU ' program is face recognition. There is a separate face recognition program. And our system can connect the function of face recognition by photo and video. But at the same time, it remains a CRM system. Imagine: a client approaches the reception, and the employee already displays the name of the person who approached.

Firstly, the employee will be able to immediately greet the person by addressing him by name. It will be very pleasant to any client. Especially if you had it before a long time ago. The buyer will certainly appreciate your excellent service. And he will be faithful to your organization for many years, spending his money on the purchase of your goods and services. This will help increase the loyalty of your customers. Loyalty is devotion.

Secondly, the speed of your organization will be as fast as possible. Since the employee does not have to ask each customer for his name, phone number or other information that is necessary for identification. And then look for a client in the program. The client will be automatically found by the system itself. The employee will only have to carry out the sale or perform other operations required by the client.

Face recognition speed

Face recognition speed

' Universal Accounting Program ' has high performance. Even if you have 10,000 clients in your database, the right person will be in seconds.

New client

New client

If our system detects that you have a new client in front of you, which is not yet in the database, it can be immediately added to the customer card index. In this case, the minimum amount of basic information is entered: the client's name and phone number.

If a client is found, it is also better to add his new photo to the previously taken one, so that the program learns and learns how a certain person changes over time. Then in the future the probability of its recognition will be much higher.

Face recognition accuracy

Face recognition accuracy

You can set the accuracy of face recognition yourself. If a high percentage of matching is set, the program will display only those who most likely resemble the desired person. If the match percentage is lowered, then even those people who are only partially similar will be shown as a result. The list will be sorted in descending order by similarity percentage. Near each client, it will be shown in percentage how much he looks like the right person.

Video face recognition

Video face recognition

The program is configured for face recognition by video. To do this, the IP camera must output a video stream. It is also possible to connect to webcams. But this is undesirable due to the poor image quality.

Face recognition by photo

Face recognition by photo

The ' USU ' program, if necessary, can be supplemented with functionality for face recognition from a photo. If you have such a need, you can order the appropriate revision.

Recognize a customer on the phone

Recognize a customer on the phone

Important Another advanced way to increase customer loyalty is to recognize the customer when making a phone call .

How else to increase productivity?

How else to increase productivity?

Important Find out more ways you can improve your organization's productivity .

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025