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Service Promotion Analysis

Service Promotion Analysis

How does the number of sales of a particular service change over time?

If you have recently introduced a new service, you should carefully monitor its promotion. Therefore, it is necessary to perform an analysis of the promotion of services. If you do not give timely advertising or do not force employees to offer a new procedure, then the implemented service may not receive the expected popularity . You can track each service from the price list using the report "Dynamics by services" .

How does the number of sales of a particular service change over time?

With this analytical report, you can see in the context of each month how many times each service was provided. So it will be possible to identify both an increase in the popularity of certain procedures, and an unexpected drop in demand.

Service promotion dynamics

The same analytics will help you in other cases. For example, you have changed the prices for a popular service. It is necessary to understand whether demand has changed, because because of the price, part of the customers could go to competitors. Or vice versa, you provided discounts for an unsolicited operation. Have you ordered more? You can easily learn about it from this report.

Another method is seasonal demand estimation. Individual services can be provided much more often in some months. This must be foreseen in advance, during the distribution of holidays and the transfer and hiring of people. Or you can raise the price a little. And in a period of low demand - to provide discounts. This will allow both to keep employees busy and not to miss additional profit in the hype. The report analyzes data for any specified period, so you can easily evaluate past periods and predict future demand fluctuations.

Constant negative dynamics is the reason for the analysis of its causes. Maybe the new employee is not as good as his resume, or did you replace auxiliary reagents or consumables and customers did not like it? Try to start analyzing statistics from the program and you will learn a lot about your business!

By whom are the services rendered?

By whom are the services rendered?

Important Look at the distribution of services among employees. Perhaps some of them invest in your profits much more than others. This can be used to evaluate salary increases.

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025