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  5. Intelligent transport systems
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 622
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Intelligent transport systems

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

  • We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

If you buy a USU CRM system with a configuration of at least “Standard”, you will have a choice of designs from more than fifty templates. Each user of the software will have the opportunity to choose the design of the program to suit their taste. Every day of work should bring joy!

Intelligent transport systems - Program screenshot

The modern world lives at a fast pace, all events occur with constant acceleration. Only the best go to the leading market positions, those who were able to really offer clients something special, something that will become a magnet for attracting many new applications. Some establishments offer a good assortment of expensive goods, others "charge" low prices for the corresponding segment of not very rich people. Universal Accounting System invites you to create an undoubted competitive advantage in a simple and affordable way. You simply purchase software for the automation of office processes and improve the quality of products or services provided.

If you use intelligent transport systems, the level of control and management is improved by an order of magnitude, because using outdated production and management methods, you could not achieve such impressive results. The company for the creation and commissioning of professional software "Universal Accounting System" (short abbreviation "USU") will help you quickly get used to the processes and become a market leader.

When the intelligent transport system ITS from USU comes into play, there is no need to worry about the company's success. The software will take over most of the complex calculations and other routine operations that require increased attention and as little fatigue as possible. The computer does not fatigue at all and is not subject to human weaknesses. You will be able to use various methods of payment for the services of contractors. In addition, your organization will be able to accept payment for goods produced and sold or services rendered in the most convenient way for the client.

The use of intelligent transport systems created by the team of the Universal Accounting System software development company will provide you with reliable control over financial flows. For example, all operations carried out using our development for business automation are recorded and recorded in the database. The software recognizes payments made in cash or using non-cash methods of depositing funds. These can be transfers to company accounts or payment with a bank card, or simply cash banknotes deposited at the cashier. Moreover, it provides for the presence of an automated cashier's place, which will be able to enter information about the transactions carried out in automatic mode into the database.

An advanced intelligent transport system ITS provides a reliable separation of duties within the team of employees of the enterprise. Each manager or other employee can use for work and view the array of data to which he is authorized by an authorized system administrator. The software provides hotel access rights to information from the database for the company's executives. The top management of the enterprise operating our development, as well as the owners of the enterprise, have all the completeness of information, and are not limited by anything in viewing the information and making the necessary adjustments.

An adaptive complex for managing intelligent transport systems from the "Universal Accounting System" was created using a modular architecture. This creates the prerequisites for a more accurate and thoughtful management of cash options. Each module is, in essence, an accounting unit, responsible for its own list of certain functions. For example, a module called "Cashier" contains information about cash cards and bank accounts. The accounting block designated as "Financial items" will work with information about the income and expenses of the institution. For personnel management, there is a module called "Employees". The management of the institution or an authorized manager will be able to get acquainted with the information stored there about the available education, work experience, the availability of a driver's license, educational certificates, marital status, diplomas, children, birthdays, and so on.

The use of intelligent transport systems from the "Universal Accounting System" will provide you with favorable conditions for entering the markets for the provision of services or the production and sale of goods. All necessary data is stored in the computer memory. For example, information about a transport contains an accounting block with the same name "Transport". In it you will find information about available cars and other vehicles, their maintenance, availability of relevant documents for cars, timing, assigned drivers, fuel consumption, type of fuel and lubricants, and so on.

The advanced intelligent transport system ITS from "USU" will help the management of the enterprise in optimizing costs and rationalizing the use of the institution's available resources to minimize losses and minimize inefficiencies. The use of our development will help to improve the professional level of enterprise managers. Top management will be able to get acquainted with the available information about the processes taking place within the company and also increase their level of professionalism.

The presence of the "reports" module in intelligent transport systems from our company helps the management team to manage the company in the best possible way, taking into account the state of affairs and the operational situation within the institution. Management skills will also increase as you study reports and recommendations from the ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems Management application. Moreover, the operation of our development will increase the level of prompt response to emergencies or even help prevent them. When a certain critical situation approaches or if it was impossible to predict in advance, the software signals this to the user, who will be able to take prompt measures to prevent or to stop the consequences in a timely manner.

The process of adding new information to the utility complex for intelligent transport systems has been simplified to the extreme, which will help save labor resources and reduce the man-hours required to perform these actions. The software independently prompts the operator for further actions and controls the correctness of filling. Each new application is registered in a semi-automatic mode. When adding new information, the software offers from the previously entered data suitable by the first letters in the field for entering information. The operator will be able to choose the appropriate option and reduce the labor costs of completely driving in the necessary information.

A utility software package for managing intelligent transport systems ITS from our organization is configured in such a way that it helps the user to do his job as quickly as possible. For example, when generating documentation, the software from the "Universal Accounting System" automatically inserts the current date. If necessary, you can take over this function and perform the action in manual mode.

The software for intelligent transport systems from USU can even generate forms in a fully automatic mode, the main thing is to correctly configure the templates, and then it's a matter of technology. For a full-fledged division of labor duties between employees of the company and to increase the level of confidentiality, entry and authorization in our program is made only by entering a username and password in the fields provided for this.

Our development, created to facilitate the management of intelligent transport systems ITS, will help to create a backbone of regular customers who will ensure a regular flow of funds to the company's accounts. In addition, attracting loyal customers creates advertising agents from them who act out of conviction, and what is important, absolutely free. The growth of labor productivity within the organization that has carried out the automation of office work has a constantly positive trend. As productivity grows, so does the level of happiness of the customers served, and they come again, and often bring new customers with them, who place orders and increase the turnover of your company.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

The program for transport documents generates waybills and other necessary documentation for the operation of the company.

Transport and logistics companies in order to improve their business can start to apply accounting in the transport organization using an automated computer program.

Accounting in the transport company compiles up-to-date information on the remnants of fuels and lubricants, spare parts for transport and other important points.

Accounting of transport documents using the application for managing a transport company is formed in a matter of seconds, reducing the time spent on simple daily tasks of employees.

accounting of a transport company increases the productivity of personnel, allowing you to identify the most productive personnel, encouraging these employees.

The program of the transport company, along with the processes associated with the transportation of goods and the calculation of routes, organizes high-quality warehouse accounting using modern warehouse equipment.

Automation of a transport company is not only a tool for keeping records of vehicles and drivers, but also many reports that are useful to the management and employees of the company.

The transport company program takes into account such important indicators as: parking costs, fuel indicators and others.

Accounting for vehicles and drivers generates a personal card for the driver or any other employee, with the ability to attach documents, photos for the convenience of accounting and the personnel department.

The program for the transport company conducts the formation of requests for transportation, plans routes, and also calculates costs, taking into account many different factors.

Software for the optimization of intelligent transport systems from "USU" frees up a huge potential of labor resources, which were previously occupied with tasks to perform routine work.

Workers freed from routine will be grateful to the company that has created such good conditions, and the level of motivation will constantly increase.

After the implementation of intelligent transport systems from the "Universal Accounting System" in office work, the level of employee happiness will increase. This means that they will work better and faster.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

The application and construction of an intelligent transport scheme will provide staff with employment on creative tasks, and our application will do the routine.

The software for the control of intelligent transport structures automatically performs many important tasks.

A utility application for managing an intelligent transport structure will be an excellent assistant and an indispensable consultant for not indifferent leaders, for this we have provided a special module "reports".

Utility intelligent transport system ITS collects statistical information about the work of the enterprise, and processes it using built-in artificial intelligence.

All collected statistics are analyzed, and as a result. The user receives ready-made reports containing not only information about the current state of affairs. But also forecasts of further developments, built on the basis of available statistics.

But our program for the control of an intelligent transport complex is not limited to simple analysis and creation of forecasts. Integrated artificial intelligence also provides the top management of the organization with forecasts of the development of events.

The user of the ITS intelligent transport system will be able to familiarize himself with the proposed options for action and choose the most optimal one from his point of view. Or, having studied the proposed statistics, forecasts and options for action, make your own decision.

Our development provides reliable processing of statistical indicators.

By using the software for the intelligent transport system ITS, you can print documents immediately, directly from the print utility.

To save money and speed up processes within the institution, we have provided the ability to integrate a webcam into the application functionality.

Our smart traffic control solution will help you quickly create a profile photo. Moreover, it does not matter who the webcam is photographing, be it a new employee, client or supplier.

Create photos right in the program. Without leaving the workplace, it will not only reduce the time for photographing, but also ensure the personalization of employee accounts.

To increase the security level of your organization, we have provided for integration into the functionality of our development to control the intelligent transport system ITS equipment for video surveillance.

Order an intelligent transport systems

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Intelligent transport systems

The video camera can record events taking place inside the company and in the surrounding areas.

You can at any time pick up the records for the required period and view them.

The application for working with the intelligent transport system ITS from "USU" saves employees time on performing unnecessary work.

When entering information into the development database for the ITS intelligent transport system, the application helps in filling.

The user can choose from similar options from the previously entered ones. You can choose the right one.

A utilitarian computer complex for managing an intelligent transport system of ITS will help to unite the client bases of disparate branches of the institution into a single network, which can be used by any authorized user, in accordance with the level of access to viewing and editing data.

The intelligent transport structures app from our company is equipped with an excellent search engine.

Adaptive development for an intelligent transport complex will become an indispensable assistant and an excellent tool for the implementation of complex office automation.

Advanced, intelligent software from our company accelerates the process of adding new users to the database.

A modern complex for an intelligent transport system ITS will help track labor productivity within an institution.

The use of intelligent software for transportation will help you quickly achieve significant results in optimizing office work and take a leading position in the market.

Make an informed choice and purchase only high-quality office automation software provided by the USU software developer!