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  5. Ticket sales program
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 418
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Ticket sales program

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

  • We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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What do you want to do now?

If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

If you buy a USU CRM system with a configuration of at least “Standard”, you will have a choice of designs from more than fifty templates. Each user of the software will have the opportunity to choose the design of the program to suit their taste. Every day of work should bring joy!

Ticket sales program - Program screenshot

The ticketing program allows businesses involved in the organization of entertainment, passenger transportation, exhibition, and museum work to automate and thereby greatly simplify a number of business processes and sales accounting procedures typical for these activities. The fact is that tickets printed in a printing house have their own numbers and are considered strict reporting forms. Accordingly, their manufacture, sale, storage, etc. are strictly regulated by rules and instructions. Cashiers and accountants must fill out a bunch of all kinds of sales accounting documents, such as financial journals, sales accounting acts, and so on, conduct reconciliation and inventory, reflecting all transactions with these documents in the sales accounting.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

The widespread distribution and implementation of computer systems made it possible to carry out all actions with tickets of sale, accounting, and so on, exclusively in electronic form. And the use of the Internet made it possible to perform these actions online. Now ticket coupons for theaters, museums, stadiums, airports, bus stations are generated by the program in a digital form and printed, if it is convenient for the buyer, on any printer. Seat reservations, registration are also carried out online at a time convenient for the buyer. Computer software companies have provided a fairly wide range of options for such programs for all tastes, needs, and, of course, prices. The customer can only assess their needs and capabilities, choose a product and start implementing a new effective management tool.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

USU Software development team offers to the attention of organizations working with tickets, such as entrance, numbered, etc., a unique program created by qualified specialists at the level of modern IT standards and featuring a very favorable ratio of price and quality parameters. Tickets, coupons, season tickets, etc. are created by the program in electronic form, including their own design, unique registration number, bar code, and other accounting characteristics. They can be saved online on a mobile device, printed at the point of purchase, for example, at the checkout or terminal. Before the direct sale, the system allows remote booking of seats, and then online registration. Accounting is carried out by the system in automatic mode. Sales information is immediately sent to the ticket server, which is accessed by all electronic terminals and ticket offices. As a result, confusion and confusion with places cannot arise by definition. The program provides for the integration of ticket terminals and large screens that provide passengers with up-to-date information on the schedule of events and vehicles, the availability of free places for sale, etc. flows and other resources, control of business processes, etc. The user company can use the program to maintain a client database, registering regular customers, accumulating information about their preferences and purchasing activity, planning seasonal demand on this basis, identifying the most popular and promising areas of work, for entertainment, transport routes, etc.

Order a ticket sales program

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Ticket sales program

An enterprise specializing in areas that are somehow related to the use of ticket documents, nowadays cannot imagine their activities without the use of the appropriate accounting system. The online program for selling various tickets, in addition to the main function, provides all related business processes. Before making a purchase decision, the customer company can watch a demo video posted on the developer's website and contains comprehensive information about the capabilities of the application. The program provides the possibility of independent online booking, sale, payment, registration, etc. places customers in a convenient location and a convenient time. Tickets are created within the system in electronic form, which eliminates the problem of observing numerous instructions governing the sale, storage, accounting of printed copies. When generating tickets by the program, the company can create a design corresponding to a specific event, apply a unique bar code and registration number, which eliminates confusion when using, selling, registering.

The ticket can be saved on a mobile device or printed at the point of purchase. All clients can purchase a ticket document at the company's box office with the participation of a cashier, in a digital terminal, or on the website through an online program. Electronic accounting guarantees the safety and accuracy of all data, the absence of confusion and confusion with the processes of selling, booking, registering tickets, etc.

USU Software maintains an up-to-date customer base containing complete information on each consumer, including contacts, frequency of purchases, preferences, and so on. The database allows you to conduct analytical work, identifying seasonal fluctuations in demand, the most promising areas of work. For the most active and loyal customers, the company can create personal price lists, develop programs for accumulating bonuses and discounts. The system of automatic SMS, instant messengers, email, voice mailings is programmed by the user and can be used to inform partners about the schedule of events, changes in pricing policy, conducting promotions, and so on. An additional order provides for the activation of mobile applications to the online program for employees and customers of the organization. The built-in scheduler allows you to change program settings, create a schedule for backing up information arrays.