Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation
Program for call accounting
- Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.
Copyright - We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
Verified publisher - We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.
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Program screenshot
A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.
If you buy a USU CRM system with a configuration of at least “Standard”, you will have a choice of designs from more than fifty templates. Each user of the software will have the opportunity to choose the design of the program to suit their taste. Every day of work should bring joy!

Telephony is one of the most reliable ways to establish communication with clients.
Recently, we increasingly see the interaction of telephony and various software products. There is nothing strange - such integration allows telephony to be more flexible and cover a wider range of possibilities, making them practically unlimited, but at the same time always open for development and implementation of new functions.
Accounting when working with clients is one of the main activities of any enterprise. After all, it is the customers who provide us with a market for product sales and stimulation, as well as keeping them is one of the main tasks.
To optimize the process of interaction with customers and suppliers, it is necessary to install registration software in the enterprise for debugging the communication system. Logging software for incoming and outgoing signals can solve many problems in your enterprise. One of them is the lack of time for employees to regularly call customers in order to communicate important information to them. The software for registering incoming and outgoing calls will allow you to do this automatically. In addition, the call logging software will keep all the information you need.
A good accounting program, or CRM system for calls or signal registration software is able not only to track all incoming and outgoing contacts and act as a system for receiving calls, but also to automatically send various messages, provide the ability to enter information into the database without stopping the conversation with client, as well as progressively lead each client from the first contact, to the status of a current consumer of your services or products. Each status change will be displayed by the call logging software.
There are a lot of programs for recording phone calls. All computer programs for registering the communication process, having a variety of functional capabilities and appearance, methods of entering and processing information, are nevertheless aimed at solving problems associated with accelerating the processes of communication with the client, delivering important information for him, as well as his motivation for further cooperation ... Signal logging software can help an organization's customers get a little closer. Your company, using the software for registering incoming and outgoing calls, will be able to control the entire process of working with potential clients.
Any call management software installed in the enterprise must meet several requirements in order to be able to cope with all the tasks assigned to it. It, as a call processing system, must record and account for all incoming and outgoing calls. As software for calls, it should allow people to use different methods to keep in touch with customers. In addition, the signal accounting program must be flexible so that the enterprise has the opportunity to improve it, if necessary, by installing additional functions and capabilities that will make the work of people faster without losing quality, but, on the contrary, will contribute to its increase.
Some organizations try to find call software on the Internet by searching the search bar with phrases similar to the following: "free call logging software." For a better understanding of the situation, one thing should be clarified: a high-quality call registration and accounting program is never free. All free call accounting programs will ultimately not be able to become a reliable partner for such organizations, since in addition to the lack of the ability to update and maintain the system, there will always be a risk of losing the information meticulously collected so at the first failure. As you can see, in this case, the risk is completely unjustified. Any professional will advise you to install only trusted and well-reviewed calling software. Such a signal reception system will work with you for an unlimited time and will provide an opportunity to qualitatively assess the prospects for the development of the company, correcting this path in a timely manner. And the installed call registration program will become the mainstay in this.
One call accounting program is strikingly different from similar ones due to the fact that it combines all the latest advances in IT technology with telephony capabilities. Its name is Universal Accounting System (USU). We are confident that our phone call tracking software will be a reliable partner for you and will lead your organization on the path of success. We are convinced of this by numerous clients who work in different countries of the world. These are enterprises working in a wide variety of areas.
On the site there is an opportunity to download a program for calls and a presentation to it.
Communication with a mini automatic telephone exchange allows you to reduce communication costs and control the quality of communications.
The program for calls and sms has the ability to send messages via sms center.
Call accounting makes the work of managers easier.
Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay
Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.
Video of program for call accounting
The program for calls is able to make calls from the system and store information about them.
Calls from the program are made faster than manual calls, which saves time for other calls.
Calls through the program can be made by pressing one button.
The phone call program contains information about clients and work on them.
Accounting for PBX allows you to determine with which cities and countries the company's employees communicate.
The program for accounting calls can keep a record of incoming and outgoing calls.
The billing program can generate reporting information for a period or according to other criteria.
The call accounting program can be customized according to the specifics of the company.
The program of incoming calls can identify the client from the database by the number who contacted you.
The PBX software generates reminders for employees who have tasks to complete.
The program for calls from computer to phone will make it easier and faster to work with clients.
In the program, communication with the PBX is made not only with physical series, but also with virtual ones.
The program for calls from a computer allows you to analyze calls by time, duration and other parameters.
Download demo version
When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.
Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman
Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.
Instruction manual
Call tracking software can provide analytics for incoming and outgoing calls.
Incoming calls are recorded automatically in the Universal Accounting System.
For a better understanding of what the Universal Accounting System call software is, you should install a free demo version from our website.
The simplicity of the interface is one of the main distinguishing features of the USU call accounting program. Its development will be painless for any person.
Simplicity does not in any way diminish the reliability of the USU call logging program.
The absence of a subscription fee makes the software for accounting of USU signals even more interesting in the eyes of others.
The USU, like many programs, is launched from a shortcut.
All accounts of the USU call accounting program are protected by a unique password, as well as by the "Role" field, which allows you to control user access rights.
The USU call accounting software provides for the installation of a logo on the working screen of the system, which will allow you to declare yourself as a company for which corporate identity is not an empty phrase.
Tabs of open windows in the USU call registration program will help you switch between different operations in one click.
A stopwatch is installed at the bottom of the main screen of the software for USU calls, which will clearly show how much time it took you to complete the operation.
The information entered into the Universal Accounting System call accounting program is saved in it for the time required for your work.
All users will be able to work in the USU call accounting program on the local network or remotely.
Order a program for call accounting
To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.
How to buy the program?
Send details for the contract
We enter into an agreement with each client. The contract is your guarantee that you will receive exactly what you require. Therefore, first you need to send us the details of a legal entity or individual. This usually takes no more than 5 minutes
Make an advance payment
After sending you scanned copies of the contract and invoice for payment, an advance payment is required. Please note that before installing the CRM system, it is enough to pay not the full amount, but only a part. Various payment methods are supported. Approximately 15 minutes
The program will be installed
After this, a specific installation date and time will be agreed upon with you. This usually happens on the same or the next day after the paperwork is completed. Immediately after installing the CRM system, you can ask for training for your employee. If the program is purchased for 1 user, it will take no more than 1 hour
Enjoy the result
Enjoy the result endlessly :) What is especially pleasing is not only the quality with which the software has been developed to automate everyday work, but also the lack of dependency in the form of a monthly subscription fee. After all, you will only pay once for the program.
Buy a ready-made program
Also you can order custom software development
If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!
Program for call accounting
We provide two hours of free technical support for each USU call accounting software account.
Our specialists can organize training of your employees to work in the USU call accounting program remotely. Other options are considered individually.
The software for calls Universal Accounting System will provide you with the opportunity to maintain convenient reference books that can be actively used in the work of the entire organization. It will take users a few seconds to fill out any document.
Calling software will allow you to configure pop-up windows with any information that you need to identify the client and build a conversation with him.
Thanks to the capabilities of the USU call registration software, through the pop-up window, you can quickly get into the client's card and enter the necessary information that you did not have, or enter a new counterparty.
Having skimmed through the information in the pop-up window of the call accounting program, you can address the client by name, which will immediately arrange him to you. The use of the software for registering incoming and outgoing calls will take the work with potential clients to a new level. Gaining trust is only one of the stages.
The USU call registration program supports the function of sending automatic voice messages.
USU Calling Software enables your managers to make automatic or manual cold calls.
The mailing list, which is supported by the USU call registration program, can be one-time or sent at regular intervals, and can also be individual or group.
Your managers will appreciate the ability of the USU call accounting program to make calls directly from the current software window using the appropriate option in the menu bar.
The call accounting program provides the ability to generate a report on calls for every day or for a period, which will allow you not to miss a single client, as well as to conduct competent and high-quality work with potential customers.
If you still have questions about the operation of the Universal Accounting System call registration program, we will be happy to answer them if you contact us at any of the indicated phones.