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  5. Program for a grooming salon
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 104
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Program for a grooming salon

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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Quick transition.
What do you want to do now?

If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

If you buy a USU CRM system with a configuration of at least “Standard”, you will have a choice of designs from more than fifty templates. Each user of the software will have the opportunity to choose the design of the program to suit their taste. Every day of work should bring joy!

Program for a grooming salon - Program screenshot

The development of economic sectors does not standstill. New areas of activity are constantly emerging that want to fully automate their work. The program for the grooming salon has its own characteristic features, therefore, before starting the management, any beginning grooming salon owner looks for a suitable program. Strict control of visitors with and without animals, as well as the expenditure of materials, must be optimized.

The animal grooming salon management program assumes the distribution of basic services, according to their classification. All operations are distributed rationally among the employees in order to avoid downtime and increase the level of production quality. The correct organization of work allows you to get the maximum benefit from the existing production facilities. In the salon, it is important not only to keep high-quality records but also to be loyal to visitors, animals, and staff.

In the USU Software program, you can conduct any business activity. For example, food production, transportation services, pawnshop, and activities related to grooming and haircuts for people. The specifics of each enterprise affect the organization of the internal settings of the program. In this software, there are advanced parameters that shape all aspects of the functioning of the grooming salon.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

For grooming salons, it is important to correctly keep a record of customer visits for styling, haircuts, and makeup, and in grooming, the flow of visitors with various animals, such as a cat, a dog, and rodents, is controlled to create an aesthetic image. Each grooming salon strives to improve its quality level and reach high positions in the industry, therefore it is important to improve the quality of services. The growth of potential customers always shows additional demand for this activity.

The program for grooming salons called the USU Software guarantees fast processing of information and updating of financial indicators. With the help of built-in directories and classifiers, the activity is fully automated, so time costs will be reduced. Implementing a good program can help reduce non-production costs and avoid ordering. The modern configuration forms the work schedule of each salon manager and also calculates wages according to the piecework system. Thanks to precise control over the work of employees, the management of the grooming salon can fully rely on the final data of the work.

The USU Software improves the activities of grooming salons for animals in all regards. The workload of the workers, the delivery of services, the level of assessment of the quality of service, as well as the expenditure of various materials is monitored daily. At any given time, the management can determine by what percentage the planned task is being fulfilled, and how the material and technical base is being expended. Before starting work, the need for consumables is calculated and a calculation is made for a certain period. It is important not only to determine the quantity but also to find worthy suppliers with quality products. All products must have a certificate of quality and safety for use. When grooming, the worker must be sure of their hypoallergenic properties. Let’s see what other features our program provides for grooming services.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

The modern design of the program helps to quickly learn how to use it and master it in no time at all. The convenient location of the quick menu also helps with that. Built-in production calendar and the calculator will help you to schedule and organize the workflow of the grooming salon. Access by login and password will protect all the important information from third-party access. Unlimited branch creation. Interaction of all personnel. Calculation of the cost of services in real-time. Electronic registration for visiting the salon. Process automation. Creation of plans and schedules. Service quality assessment. Identification of late payments. Payment through electronic systems. SMS informing. Sending notifications by email. Accrual of bonuses. Issuance of discount cards. Complete customer base. Animal grooming management and accounting in one program. Distribution of work between all the salon workers. Payroll calculation according to piecework in the program. Quality control. Possible implementation in various economic sectors. Keeping a book of expenses and income. Selecting accounting policy settings. Accounting and tax reporting. Scheduled backup of all the information in the database.

Timely update. Tracking the performance of grooming services in the program. Transferring configuration from other software. Cash flow control. Transfer of materials to consumption.

Integration with the website. Possible use in specific areas, such as pawnshop, grooming, and more.

Order a program for a grooming salon

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Program for a grooming salon

Up-to-date financial information on the grooming salon. Built-in digital assistant.

Consolidation of reporting. Templates of standard forms of forms. Chronology of events. Tracking animal visits. Business transaction log. Maintaining the main and additional spheres of management. Mass mailing. Task planner for the manager. Financial analysis. Invoices, acts, invoices, and waybills compilation. Recording information about animals, and a lot more. Download the trial version of the program for free for two weeks in order to get acquainted with its functionality without having to pay at all!