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  5. Automated document management systems
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 559
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Automated document management systems

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

  • We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
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    Verified publisher
  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
    Sign of trust

    Sign of trust

Quick transition.
What do you want to do now?

If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

If you buy a USU CRM system with a configuration of at least “Standard”, you will have a choice of designs from more than fifty templates. Each user of the software will have the opportunity to choose the design of the program to suit their taste. Every day of work should bring joy!

Automated document management systems - Program screenshot

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

Order an automated document management systems

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Automated document management systems

It is possible to ensure high-quality workflow in modern business conditions only if there is a clearly organized structure of the work of specialists, which is not always possible to organize at the proper level, or by using automated document management systems. The second option is becoming more widespread due to its versatility and high efficiency, which many entrepreneurs have already been able to appreciate. The order in the document is the key to the successful promotion of projects, passing tax and other checks, and any inaccuracies or errors in the data negatively affect the final results. To attract automated maintaining a document technologies means getting a reliable assistant in processing statistics flows, facilitating the control of official sources, so you should be very careful when choosing systems. Not every management accounting systems satisfy the needs of the business, since it does not reflect the internal nuances of the industry, thus, you should pay attention to specialization or adaptive development capabilities. Since the demand for such systems is great, the offers not long in coming, the Internet is replete with advertising, attracting bright slogans, promises, but a competent entrepreneur understands that this is just a wrapper, the most valuable is hidden in the functionality, additional services provided by the developers. For many years, our organization has been helping clients improve their business, put things in order, where it is required, among the range of tasks to be solved, there are also automated document management systems. USU Software systems are the basis for a future automated project since based on a flexible interface, effective organizing workflow tools are selected, algorithms and document templates are created. The configuration helps not only with the management of information flows but also the control of the work of personnel in this direction, making it easier to determine the author of the record, the changes being made. It is a pleasure to work with the automated platform, as it has an intuitive menu, without unnecessary terminology, difficulties do not arise even for beginners and inexperienced users. In the automated document management systems, a single space is formed for using databases, catalogs between all departments and divisions. A separate template is created according to each document that meets industry standards, and employees need to fill in only the missing information, wasting a few minutes. At the same time, it is possible to restrict access to a document and functions, based on the official authority of the personnel, with the subsequent expansion of the management as necessary. All user actions are automatically recorded in the database under their logins, which means that it not difficult to determine the source of changes, to additionally evaluate the productivity indicators of a particular specialist. To exclude attempts of third-party influence or use of service personal gain information, the entrance to the systems is limited to the stage of identification, confirmation of identity, by entering a password. Thus, the automated document management systems of the USU Software become support not only in the preparation of official forms but also in the accompanying processes. A special development can please its users with such features as simultaneous access to the current database of the AIS systems to any number of users, management of contextual search with control of various filters, grouping and sorting according to certain criteria, storing contact clients and counterparties information, history of transactions and relationships, planning staff work using the AIS polyclinic systems, tracking attendance and working hours, import and export of any document by the AIS program in various formats, automated forms formation, statements, receipts, invoices in the AIS housing and utility program, management of optimization of communications between departments, keeping records of the technological chain of orders and services, work of the application for AIS over the local network and the Internet, blocking control, individually customizable interface. AIS systems also provide workplace automation, the delegation of various access rights, reporting management control, automation of quantitative and financial calculations in the AIS software, monitoring the effectiveness of employees performing their functions, planning a schedule for employees. AIS can download the program as a demo version. You can research for excellent reviews and recommendations from our customers! Today, there are hundreds of millions of personal computers in the world. Scientists, economists, politicians believe that by the beginning of the third millennium: the number of computers in the world equals the number of inhabitants of developed countries. Most of these computers included in the world's networks. All information accumulated by mankind by the beginning of the third millennium converted into computer form, and all information prepared using computers. Each automated document is stored indefinitely in computer networks. With the advent of computer technology, the methods of storing, transferring, and processing information have been greatly simplified. To make informed and effective decisions in production activities, economic management, and politics, a modern specialist must be able to receive, accumulate, store and process data using computers and communication means, presenting the result in the form of visual documents. In modern society, information technologies are developing very rapidly, they penetrate all spheres of human activity. Thus, if you own any enterprise, then it is unlikely that you are able to avoid the mechanization of systems and databases.