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Show note below line

What does a note look like?

This unusual way of displaying information is used in the module "Mailing" .

Module. Mailing

If, using the search form , you displayed the data, you will see that the text of the message is displayed under each line.

list of messages

How is a note set?

This is data from a single field.

Field. Message

Note Features

This information is displayed continuously. It can't Standard hide like other fields. This field cannot be searched or Standard filtration .

Disable note

If you right-click, you will see the command "Note" .

Command. Note

This command allows you to disable the display of the note. Or turn it on again by pressing it again.

Note disabled

For other tables

If you want to use the same way of displaying data in another table, you can order it from the developers of the ' USU ' program.

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025