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Search by list of values

Search by list of values

Search Form

Important Before studying this topic, you need to know what a Data Search Form is.

Types of input fields

Important You need to understand how different types of input fields are displayed.

Search in the list of values from the dictionary

Let's look at the topic of searching by a list of values using the example of a reference "Employees" . Typically, this table has few entries, so the search mode is not enabled for it. Any employee can be easily found by the first letters . But for the sake of writing this article, we will briefly enable search for this dataset. You will not be able to repeat what is described below. Just read carefully, as this mechanism can be used elsewhere in the program.

So, how does a search through a list of values work? First, let's try to find all employees by the department in which they work. Initially, when searching the list, all possible values are shown. In this example, all departments to which workers were previously added.

Search for employees by department in which they work

There can be many possible values in the list, so it is enough to start typing the first letters from the keyboard so that only suitable values remain in the list.

Search for employees by department. Filtered values

Now it's much easier to make a choice. To do this, we simply add the third letter from the name of the department so that only one line matches the condition. Or, to select a value, you can simply click on the desired item with the mouse.

It was shown the search for a value from those that were entered in the directory. The branch must first be registered in a separate directory, so that later it can be selected when registering employees of the organization. This serious approach is used when the user cannot be allowed to enter some invalid value.

Search in the list of freely entered values

Search in the list of freely entered values

But there are also less serious tasks - for example, filling the position of an employee. It is not critical if the user enters something incorrectly. Therefore, in this case, when registering an employee, it is possible to simply enter the name of the position from the keyboard or select from the list of previously entered positions. This makes it much faster.

And it is for such freely populated fields that the search is slightly different. In this case, multiple selection is applied. Look at the picture below. You will see that it is possible to tick several values at once.

Search for employees by position or specialization

With multiple selection, filtering also works. When there are too many values in the list, you can start typing letters on the keyboard that are included in the name of the list items. Please note that you can enter not only the first letters, but also from the middle of the word.

Search for employees by position or specialization. Filtered values

The input field at the top of the list appears automatically. You don't even need to click anywhere to do this.

After the list is closed, the selected values will be displayed separated by a semicolon.

Selected employees by specialization

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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2025