If we need to sell the same product in different "units of measurement" , let's look at this using the example of land for indoor flowers, which we buy in bags, and we can sell both wholesale in bags and retail - in kilograms .
First in the guide "Product categories" can create different groups and subgroups for goods in bags and for goods in kilograms, so that in the future it is easy to obtain statistics on the quantity of both whole bags and kilograms of earth in open bags available in the warehouse.
Then in the guide "Nomenclatures" You can add two different rows for the same item.
For example, we received 20 bags of potting soil. Each such roll contains 20 kilograms of earth. Then we wrote off 1 bag in order to credit the same bag in its place, only in kilograms. It's all done in a module. Product .
The balances in the nomenclature will be displayed as follows: 19 whole bags and 20 kilograms of earth in open bags.
Further, we can print labels if we sell our land by barcodes. themselves "barcodes" The ' USU ' program has already prudently created all positions.
And now you can safely go to the module Sales , to engage in the sale of land, even in bags, even in kilograms.
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Universal Accounting System
2010 - 2024