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Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Logistic system of a transport company

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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

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Logistic system of a transport company - Program screenshot

The logistics system of the transport company, automated in the software "Universal Accounting System", optimizes routes for the delivery of goods, offering the most economical both in terms of transportation time and road costs, thanks to which the transport company gets more profit, allows you to control the condition of vehicles, including number remotely, and manages the delivery schedule. The logistics system of the transport company is distinguished by ease of use and high efficiency in organizing transportation, the duties of the logistics system also include constant monitoring of transport movements, which provides the transport company with operational information about the quality and delivery time, emergency situations on the road and in the transport company itself, allowing timely entry adjustments to the production process.

The automated transport and logistics system of a transport company regulates the activities of each employee, vehicle and in this way increases their productivity, visually displays the amount of work performed by each employee and each transport, which makes it possible to objectively assess the efficiency of personnel, the efficiency of using the vehicle fleet. To regulate work activities, a regulatory and reference base is built into the logistics system of a transport company, which contains all the necessary industry information, standards and requirements for performing work operations in the transportation process, various provisions and legal acts. The presence of such a base allows the logistics system of a transport company to automatically carry out all calculations, including calculating the cost of flights and calculating a monthly remuneration for all users, who may also be drivers, technicians and other company employees from production sites, and automatically generate various documents in accordance with official requirements. for example, filling out a customs declaration.

In the formation of documentation, the main role is played by the autocomplete function, which freely operates with all the data in the logistics system of the transport company, while accurately choosing exactly what is required to draw up a document, according to its purpose, placing them on an independently selected form with the company's details and its logo. a set of which is pre-embedded in the logistics system to accomplish this task. It should be noted that all documents generated by the logistics system fully comply with the request and the requirements that apply to them.

Regarding the automatic calculations performed by the logistics system, it should also be added that for their organization, the calculation of all work operations is set up, thereby assigning them a value expression, any production process can be decomposed into a number of such operations and its cost price can be obtained. The costing setting in the logistics system is carried out using the rules and regulations from the mentioned reference base, which is regularly updated, therefore the calculations are carried out according to the current methods and standards. The task of the logistics system of a transport company is to optimize logistics activities, therefore, when choosing the most profitable route, it calculates all available options, including traffic patterns, modes of transport, timing and cost, taking into account overhead costs, and offers the option that will best meet the specified conditions. to enter which into the logistic system is included in the task of the manager.

The logistics system also offers automated control over the vehicle fleet - its activities and the state of transport. For this, several databases are formed, including for all vehicles that are on the company's balance sheet, while the description is given separately for tractors and trailers, a "personal file" has been established for each unit, where their initial data is indicated - brand, model, speed, carrying capacity and the list of repair work that was performed, taking into account the replacement of spare parts - dates and a complete list of work are given, this allows you to objectively assess the condition of all units.

In addition to technical data, the "personal file" contains a full track record performed at this enterprise, indicating the dates and routes of travel, mileage and fuel consumption, as well as a list of documents confirming the registration of transport, and their validity periods, over which the logistics system establishes their control, notifying those responsible for their re-registration of the imminent exchange. This is control over the state, and the degree of utilization can be determined from the production schedule generated by the logistics system of the transport company for planning activities within the framework of existing contracts and orders, where periods are marked when the transport will be busy or will be in a car service. Logistic activities, thanks to automation, become much more efficient, increasing, in turn, the profitability of the transport company, and reducing transportation costs.

The program for the transport company conducts the formation of requests for transportation, plans routes, and also calculates costs, taking into account many different factors.

Accounting for vehicles and drivers generates a personal card for the driver or any other employee, with the ability to attach documents, photos for the convenience of accounting and the personnel department.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

accounting of a transport company increases the productivity of personnel, allowing you to identify the most productive personnel, encouraging these employees.

Automation of a transport company is not only a tool for keeping records of vehicles and drivers, but also many reports that are useful to the management and employees of the company.

The program for transport documents generates waybills and other necessary documentation for the operation of the company.

The program of the transport company, along with the processes associated with the transportation of goods and the calculation of routes, organizes high-quality warehouse accounting using modern warehouse equipment.

Accounting of transport documents using the application for managing a transport company is formed in a matter of seconds, reducing the time spent on simple daily tasks of employees.

Accounting in the transport company compiles up-to-date information on the remnants of fuels and lubricants, spare parts for transport and other important points.

The transport company program takes into account such important indicators as: parking costs, fuel indicators and others.

Transport and logistics companies in order to improve their business can start to apply accounting in the transport organization using an automated computer program.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

The logistics system of the transport company speaks all world languages and works in several simultaneously, electronic forms also have language versions.

The logistics system can also use several world currencies at the same time to conduct mutual settlements with counterparties in accordance with currency regulation.

The logistics system forms a single information space for inclusion in the general accounting of the activities of remote services; for its functioning, the Internet is required.

The program does not require an Internet connection for local access to service information, but it is needed for remote work and the functioning of a single space.

There is no subscription fee for using the automated logistics system, which distinguishes this USU product from alternative proposals of other developers on the market.

The cost of the program is fixed and is determined by a set of functions and services that can be periodically supplemented with new ones - as needs grow and for a new payment.

The program is successfully combined with modern digital equipment, which expands its functionality and increases the potential of the combined system, increasing the quality of operations.

Integration with warehouse equipment speeds up operations for the search and release of goods, inventory, labeling of goods for transportation and storage, weighing.

Order a logistic system of a transport company

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Logistic system of a transport company

Integration with new generation automatic telephone exchanges, video surveillance, electronic displays allows you to increase staff awareness, control over activities, and quality of service.

Integration with the corporate website ensures its prompt updating, especially in the part of personal accounts, where clients monitor the transportation of their goods and the timing.

Employees of the transport company can work together in the program without the conflict of saving data, since the multi-user interface removes the problem of access.

The logistics activity of a transport company is subject to regular analysis, which allows you to determine how effective the use of transport was over the period.

An automatically generated route report will show how accurate the calculations were, which of them turned out to be the most profitable, which was the most popular, and vice versa.

The transport code shows which one was the most in demand for the period and which was idle more than others, what is the freight turnover for each vehicle.

Similar vaults are formed for all objects and subjects of the company, including customers, suppliers, personnel, finances, the data is formatted in tables and diagrams.