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  5. Program for an entertainment complex
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 790
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Program for an entertainment complex

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

  • We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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What do you want to do now?

If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

Program for an entertainment complex - Program screenshot

The program for an entertainment complex is an irreplaceable assistant in accounting, management, control, management of document flow, automating production processes and optimizing the working time of employees, financial resources, and communicating the status and productivity of the entertainment complex company. Nowadays, there is not a single entertainment complex company that would manage its operations with the purely workforce and capabilities of its subordinates, because no one, even the most highly qualified specialist, can perform management and accounting processes so promptly, at such a short time and with this high quality, like a computerized automation system.

To achieve the set financial goals of the entertainment complex in the shortest possible time, it is worth purchasing an automated program functionality, but you will have to handle the choice, so to speak, given the presence of such a large assortment of programs on the market that your eyes run wild. So, in order to reduce temporary expenses and find the best accounting program for entertainment complexes, pay attention to the specified program called the USU Software, which differs from its competitors is its low cost and complete absence of a monthly fee, publicly available control parameters, prompt input of all financial information and search of documentation materials, providing backup on a remote server.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video can be viewed with subtitles in your own language.

The multi-user mode allows multiple users to simultaneously work in the program without interrupting each other, taking advantage of the ability to exchange data and messages over the local network, taking into account the consolidation of entertainment complexes, maintaining a single database for them. Thus, this gives an advantage, i.e. do not buy, and do not spend additional funds on additional programs, promptly maintain control and accounting, analyzing the services in demand, identifying responsible and unscrupulous employees, etc. Our program allows you to reliably protect personal information and client data in the system, providing users with the ability to log in to the application using a personal username and password. When registering or correcting tables and journals, materials are imported and exported from various sources, and with contextual search, with filters, sorting, grouping, classification, which simplifies, improves, and optimizes the work of employees.

Maintaining a single CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system allows you to have access to complete data of customers, see their personal ratings and reviews on them, which allows you to analyze work, growth, and profitability. Using contact information for customers, employees can easily perform bulk or personal messaging. Clients of the entertainment complex will be able to deposit funds to discount cards and make payments quickly and even remotely. It is available to use the digital version of the system, which makes it possible to control the state of the personal account, select the required types of services in the entertainment complex, see the history of relationships, assess the quality of employees, add reviews and much more.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

Choose language

By integrating the system with high-tech devices, additional applications, you will improve and speed up various operations. For example, accounting, reporting, and documentation generation, when interacting with our advanced program. Terminals, camcorders, printers, scanners, CCTV cameras, and much more. Various digital formats are supported by our advanced program. To analyze, test the program on your own entertainment complex, install the demo version, and you will see for yourself the necessity, efficiency, and indispensability of our program. Remember that the success of your entertainment center depends directly on the right system.

The system for an entertainment complex has a streamlined and convenient user interface, flexible configuration settings, adjusting the system personally for each user, entertainment complex employee, and its clients. Nice and multi-tasking interface, can be customized by each user at any time, as they see fit. There is a large selection of themes and screensavers, various languages, modules, samples, and templates for documents to choose from.

Order a program for an entertainment complex

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Program for an entertainment complex

Delegated rights to use relevant materials, for the reliable protection of all data.

Maintaining a single database, with complete information on documentation, on customers and suppliers, on employees, on services of an entertainment complex, on expenses, etc. CCTV camera control is carried out on an ongoing basis, transferring and storing all materials.

The entertainment complex is controlled in a multi-user system. Consolidation of entertainment complexes with the provision of interchange via a local network. Formation of documentation and reporting. Support for cutting-edge developments that optimize working hours. Accounting and setup of prices for services are performed automatically by our program. Sending SMS, email messages is performed by the system automatically as well. Modules are selected individually for each entertainment complex. In contextual search, filtering, systematization, and other grouping features are used. The management of the entertainment center can analyze, and control the activities of all employees, the demand for each service, the growth of popularity of the entertainment complex among customers, and the entertainment center’s profitability.