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  5. CRM for accruals
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 102
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

CRM for accruals

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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

CRM for accruals - Program screenshot

Utilities in their work are constantly faced with a lot of requests, calculations and the need to prepare documentation for payment in a timely manner, with control over the receipt of finances, and this, in addition to other responsibilities, in order to greatly simplify these operations, managers implement specialized CRM programs for charges. Integrated automation in the housing and utilities sector is only gaining its popularity, as not everyone understands what benefits they can get from the use of computer technology. Of course, the use of computers came into use many years ago, but, as a rule, these are different applications for calculating, preparing documents, with very primitive capabilities. The modern automation format is a completely different matter, practically it is an artificial intelligence that can partially replace a person, especially in matters of processing large amounts of information, calculations, monitoring the implementation of tasks, wherever it was difficult for a person to cope. The software algorithms of the software can also help with automatic accruals, monitoring the receipt of finances from consumers of services, taking into account the timing, penalties in the presence of violations. The CRM format means that the functions are focused on creating a mechanism for the interaction of employees to achieve a common goal, fulfill the plan and improve the quality of service. Focusing on consumers of services and providing them with quality service will allow us to remain in the industry leaders, due to reliability and trust. Specialists will be able to reduce the overall workload by transferring some of the responsibilities to an electronic assistant, which means they can spend more time interacting with visitors without being distracted by filling out numerous paperwork. The only thing is that when choosing a suitable solution, you should pay attention to its capabilities and specialization, since the general format will not be able to take into account the nuances of organizing utilities. The ideal option would be individual development for the specifics of the activity, but not every organization can afford it, so we suggest using a worthy alternative.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video can be viewed with subtitles in your own language.

"Universal Accounting System" is a unique development, as it makes it possible to change the functional content according to the customer's requests, thus, if you have a clear structure, you will receive an individual solution. Our experience and technologies used allow us to offer the client the best option for functional content, and the involvement of CRM mechanisms will help achieve great results. Depending on the specifics of the organization of accrual procedures and other tasks, a mechanism for further work with the program is built, which will allow you to immediately begin active operation and a quick return on the new format. The program menu is represented by only three modules, they have a similar structure, simplifying the implementation of daily duties. To master the software, you do not need to have certain knowledge or special experience, we will try to explain the main points during a short briefing, teach you to understand and use the options. Customer service specialists will be able to process many more applications than before without making mistakes, while it is convenient to use hotkeys, send addresses to repair teams in a few moments, or contact contractors, resolve issues with debts, incorrect charges in payments. The presence of well-thought-out algorithms in the implementation of daily duties will help specialists to complete tasks correctly and on time, regulate their work schedule and not miss important details. In matters of paperwork, one cannot do without prepared, standardized templates, because the system already consolidates part of the information from the databases into them, so users will only have to fill in the missing information. The zone of personnel access to information is regulated by the granted rights, login, password and role, they should be entered each time when entering the program space. This approach will not only protect against outside interference and attempts to get hold of confidential information, but also create comfortable working conditions, where everyone will have at their disposal the optimal amount of information, options, and the other will not be distracting.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

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The USU application in the CRM version for charging payments will be able to optimize the procedure for registering new consumers, searching in the existing database, and responding to requests in the shortest possible time according to the existing standard. If the utility service has an electronic platform, integration is carried out, automating the receipt of applications, applications and complaints, as well as monitoring the receipt of charges. For different categories of clients, you can change the settings, so the use of other tariffs for pensioners or large families, the disabled is added, while everything happens without the participation of clients. In order to establish productive interaction between departments, an effective CRM mechanism is being formed, which also prescribes rules and frameworks, following which will lead to high results, productivity indicators. It will become easier for management to remotely manage subordinates, monitor the readiness of tasks and give instructions using an electronic scheduler built into the menu for this. It will become easier for specialists to create schedules for repair and maintenance work, as the system will take into account personal schedules and other nuances of the organization. The provision of additional, paid services in the CRM configuration can be prescribed according to the available price lists, and you can also track the accrual of funds to utility bills. Drawing up a contract in this case is a mandatory procedure, but it will also take a little time, because some of the points will be filled out. Automation will provide new opportunities for prompt notification of subscribers about price changes, preventive maintenance or existing debts. Mass, individual mailing tools with the ability to select a category of recipients will allow you to convey information very quickly and effortlessly. In addition to the standard form of emails, you can use SMS messages or create alerts via viber. Another unique feature can be informing by means of voice calls, on behalf of your organization, for this, when developing the configuration, you should indicate the need for integration with telephony. So, the robot can call by the name entered in the electronic card, report on charges for services, with a request to make payment on time, reducing the burden on staff.

Order a crm for accruals

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

CRM for accruals

The versatility and simplicity of the interface make it possible to unite divisions, warehouses and branches into a common information field, even if they are far from each other, communication is maintained via the Internet. To simplify the search in the extensive database of the CRM system, a context menu is provided, where users just need to enter a couple of characters to get an accurate result. The electronic assistant will store the entire data archive, the history of interaction with subscribers, the accruals and calculations received, so even after many years it will not be difficult to find information. Any actions of the staff are recorded under their logins, therefore, finding the author of a record or document will become a matter of seconds, it will also help to evaluate productivity and charge fair wages. By improving the quality of service, reducing queues and documentary red tape, the level of consumer loyalty will increase, and it will be possible to attract new residential properties. So that the transition to CRM technologies and complex automation does not become a "headache" for managers, we take care of everything. This means developing according to the wishes and needs of the company, setting up internal parameters and templates, training employees and subsequent support at the required level.