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  5. Program for signing up for a car wash
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 541
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Program for signing up for a car wash

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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

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Program for signing up for a car wash - Program screenshot

The car wash signing up program is a necessity due to the specifics of the business and current trends. Earlier, when the number of cars was not so high, and there were no car wash queues. Station owners dreamed of attracting more customers. Dreams tend to come true.

Today, according to the average estimates of automotive experts, existing car washes only meet the needs of motorists by 75%. The fact is that the number of cars in the population is growing at a much more intense pace than the capacity and capabilities of the car wash. That is why washing car queues, especially before the holidays, have become commonplace. Everyone would like to avoid car wash queues - both the owners of these stations and motorists because standing in a queue takes a lot of time, and the queue of thirsty people in itself has never been an indicator of the company's success, and even vice versa. Hence, special attention should be paid to recording. Even if two-thirds of motorists arrive by appointment and a third spontaneously, long queues can be avoided. The station pre-records in different ways. There is nothing easier to put an administrator in jail, give him a notebook, a ruler, and a pen, and let him draw up a visitor log with a link to the date and time specified by the operator of the car wash. The method requires an increase in costs already at least for the administrator's salary. The effectiveness and efficiency of this method are zero. Information can be lost, entered with errors, and a variety of problems arise with the record. All of this is not conducive to building long and lasting customer relationships.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

A more modern solution is to keep an automated record, but for this, you need to use a special car wash signing up automation program. This method helps not only signing up an appointment without errors, inaccuracies, and confusion but also the development of the entire business since the program capabilities are much broader and are not limited to just recording clients.

It is this multifunctional solution that the USU Software system offers. The software program developed by us fully automates all processes in daily activities. Keeping signing up car wash appointment program simple, easy, straightforward, like many other processes that are essential for a successful business.

We currently have a demo version of this program only in Russian.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

The program provides quality planning and all levels of control. External control concerns the assessment of the quality of services, internal control - keeping records of staff work. In addition to the fact that the registration of clients becomes automatic and reliable, the program provides expert accounting of the signing up department, saves payment history, compiles signing up reports on income, expenses, and unforeseen expenses. Also, the program provides high-quality warehouse accounting. According to the dynamics and statistics of the preliminary appointment and the rendered signing up services, the manager able to judge how much the services of his car wash meet the needs of motorists and make decisions on improving the quality, purchasing new equipment, and introducing new technologies.

All these features of the USU Software program do not require much time. The staff completely freed from the need to keep paper records, signing up, reporting, paperwork and payments. All this is done by the program, and people able to devote more time to basic professional duties, and this an important contribution to improving the quality of visitor's service to the car wash. Maintaining the program helps the company to form its image, build a unique system of relationships with clients. The program operates based on the Windows operating system. Developers support all countries, the system can be configured in any language of the world. The program is available in a demo version free to download on the website of the developer company. The full version is installed quickly, remotely and does not require a mandatory subscription fee, like most other accounting platforms. The registering customers' program is useful for both small car wash and large car wash complexes. It can be configured and used in the self-service car wash, in auto dry cleaners, at service stations. The program automatically generates and updates customer databases. They display not only contact information but also the entire history of interaction, visits, requests, preferences, information about what services the car enthusiast uses most often. Integration of the maintenance program with the site of the network or station helps motorists to self-record to the car wash directly on the site. At the same time, the program automatically calculates the cost of services, shows only the current prices and available recording time. Errors, inaccuracies are excluded.

Order a program for signing up for a car wash

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Program for signing up for a car wash

The program provides maintenance of signing up customer records, signing up their records, and actual visits for any period. It shows statistics for the day, month, week, year, while information can be obtained by any criterion - specific client, car brands, time, date, car wash employee who performed the work. The storage period for information is not limited. Users can customize the backup function with any frequency. The saving process takes place in the background, for this you do not even need to stop the system for a while. The program organizes mass or personal mailing of information to clients by SMS or e-mail. So visitors to the car wash can always be aware of offers, promotions, price changes. The maintenance program show which types of a car wash or station services are in greatest demand. This helps guide the right marketing planning. The signing up system calculates and shows the personal efficiency of each car wash employee, the number of shifts he worked and completed orders on and off the record. Also, the program calculates the wages of workers who work on a piece-rate basis. The USU Software program provides high-quality warehouse accounting, always display the remains of materials, consumables, write off in real-time as it is used. The program warns that some positions are running out, offer to make a purchase, and show the most advantageous offers from suppliers. If there are several car washes in the network, the program combines them in one information space. Information, including a preliminary record signing up, can be assessed for the company as a whole and each station in particular. If one car wash is loaded, then the car owner can always be offered another option in one of the branches.

The program supports downloading files of any format without restrictions. Employees are able to add photos, videos, audio files, any information that may be useful in their work to the databases. The program integrates with telephony, website, and CCTV cameras. Integration with telephony permits the administrator to see which client is calling and immediately address him by name and patronymic, which pleasantly surprise the interlocutor and increase his loyalty. The manager is able to configure any frequency of receiving reports on all performance indicators - finance, warehouse inventory, personnel, customers. It is possible to set up a rating program so that each visitor can leave his opinion about the work of the car wash and make useful suggestions. The program has a built-in scheduler that helps you not only make a preliminary appointment for any period in advance. With his help, the manager able to draw up a budget, and each employee plan working hours. The program has a quick start, attractive design, and a simple interface. Everyone can work with her. The employees of the car wash and its regular visitors able to get a specially developed mobile application that facilitates the issues of pre-registration and helps to solve other problems.